Lena Community District Library


Activities & Events

Dive into a world of activities at the Lena Library! We host a variety of programs for all ages, both within the library and out in the community.

Activities & Events

Story Hour

Every Tuesday at 10am

Story hour at the library is a fun and educational program designed to introduce young children to the world of books and reading. It’s a free event, typically aimed at toddlers and preschoolers.

  • Interactive experience: Librarians lead the session, reading stories in a lively way, using props, songs, fingerplays, and even puppets to keep the kids engaged.
  • Focus on early literacy: Story time helps children develop pre-reading skills like vocabulary, rhyming, and the concept of following a story.
  • Social interaction: It’s a great opportunity for kids to meet other children and socialize in a safe and stimulating environment.
  • Spark a love of books: By exposing children to different stories and making it a fun experience, story time can create a lifelong love of reading.

After School Activities

Every Monday after school

Unlike story time aimed at toddlers, these programs are designed for school-aged children, typically from elementary to middle school.

Here’s what you can expect:

  • Variety of Programs: We offer a wide range of activities, from arts and crafts to coding clubs and board game nights. There might be book discussions, science experiments, or even guest speakers like local authors or illustrators.
  • Space for Homework: We have quiet areas with comfortable seating where kids can work on homework after enjoying an activity. We even have librarians available to offer homework help.
  • Social Interaction: After school activities are a great way for kids to make friends with classmates or others in the community who share similar interests.
  • Safe Space: We provide a safe and supervised environment for kids to spend their after school hours, giving parents peace of mind.

    Overall, these after school programs are a fantastic way for kids to explore their interests, learn new things, and have fun in a positive and enriching environment.

Overall, these after school programs are a fantastic way for kids to explore their interests, learn new things, and have fun in a positive and enriching environment.